Reactive dogs

Keeping your dog calm during fireworks can be difficult, but with Halloween, Bonfire Night, and even – dare we say it – Christmas, fast approaching, there’s lots of sights and sounds that can put our furry friends on edge. Here are some of our top tips for trying to make this period go as smoothly as possible for your four-legged friends.

  • Feed and water your dog before the action starts (an anxious dog is unlikely to want a meal and an empty tummy is likely to make anxiety worse).


  • Give your dog lots of exercise during the afternoon before the festivities start (a tired dog is likely to be calmer). It’s best to plan your walks a bit earlier in the day to avoid taking them outside during the nighttime fireworks. If you’re unable to take your dog for a walk before dark, why not try other ways of expending their energy. A good way of keeping your You could play a game of hide and seek, play ‘tug’ with a toy, or even chase bubbles around the house or garden.

going for a walk early is a good way of keeping your dog calm during fireworks


  • Close blinds and curtains and pop the radio or TV on to a soothing channel. Listening to a station such as Classic FM is a good way of keeping your dog calm during fireworks, and the sound may help to mask some of the whizz, pops, and bangs!


  • Create a safe space securely indoors is a good way of keeping your dog calm during fireworks. You could complete it with their favourite toys and a tasty treat, (why not try our big bite with beef or our new grain free stars with turkey). You could even build a small den for them and for added comfort, include a blanket or piece of your clothing for a familiar scent. When the fireworks start, try and see if you can cover their den so they can’t see any of the flashes from outside.


  • Stay calm yourself and talk to your furry companion, your soothing voice will help to reassure them that they are safe. Offer them a toy and to play with them, but don’t force them if they’re not interested.


  • Another way of keeping your dog calm during fireworks, but also keeping them calm when visitors might call, is to keep them away from the door with a baby gate or keep in a separate room. This is especially true during an event like halloween as lots of new visitors in costumes can be very overwhelming.

keep your dog away when there are trick or treaters knocking at the door.


  • Lastly, remember to keep the trick or treat sweet bowl away from your best friend. They can enjoy their own Pointer treats instead! Take a look at our range here.

You can find even more helpful tips on the RSPCA’s website for different pets.

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